Greetings infrequent readers and a Happy New Year to one and all (yes we're about 40 days into 2012, but this is my first entry of the year).
2011 was an odd one namely as for the first time in a good few years I didn't go abroad. At all. Feck.
2012 will be different. Not that I'm sure where/when/how long I will go for just yet. More then likely the US and by extension almost certainly back to New York. There's so many places in the Five Boroughs that I didn't go to and things I didn't do there the first time - on the list is having a stupid-ass size burger, going to the top of a really tall skyscraper and seeing a band (it can be anyone really, it doesn't matter it's the fact its in New York that counts), among others.
But there's so many other places in that country I want to go to there - Chicago, Portland (in Oregon, not the one in Maine), Chapel Hill, North Carolina - home to my favourite college basketball team
the UNC Tar Heels, Boston, LA. I could go on. I'm not sure if the prospect of travelling across coast to coast via Greyhound is a little too much though. It's hardly akin to getting the National Express from Manchester to London.
Other countries I'd love to go to include New Zealand, India and maybe Australia (everyone else seems to be there).
Recently the idea of going to a random temple or monastery in somewhere like China or Vietnam to learn about meditation and ancient eastern philosophy for a few weeks really appeals to me. That's probably a better idea in my head then how it could actually turn out.
I'm not sure what this entry was really supposed to be about. I could end up doing all, some or neither of these things or doing something totally different. I think I suffer from indecision a tad.
One thing is for certain though, I
need to go somewhere different at some point this year, even if it is just Cardiff or Edinburgh (despite being British I am yet to properly visit two-thirds of the main parts of the British Isles) for 3 days or so.
Wherever and whenever it is I know not to count too much on other people to make my travel aspirations a reality. As tough as it sounds, sometimes you can only rely on yourself.
Until next time good sirs and madams.